- Jesus, your word declares that angels intervene in the lives of human beings.
- I believe that angels are released by positive confessions, and demons are released by negative confessions.
- Father, I thank you for the hosts of Heaven that are operating on my behalf.
- Make me sensitive to the existence and presence of angelic beings.
- I decree and declare that there are more angels working for me than there are demons working against me. One-third of the angels fell with Lucifer. This means that two-thirds of the angels in Heaven are working on my behalf.
- Lord, I thank you for opening my eyes to see the angelic hosts and chariots of fire circling my situations to fight on my behalf.
- In the name of Jesus, I release the angels of prosperity on my behalf.
- In the name of Jesus, I release the angels of my harvest to bring it forth now into this earth realm for me.
- Because I walk before the lord, the angels of the lord will prosper my way.
- Lord, I thank you for angelic intervention in my dreams. Let the same anointing that was on Jacob be on me to dream dreams of angels.
- Father, I thank you for the spirit ladder of the Lord that comes from Heaven to the Earth.
- The angels are taking away what I do not need and bringing to me that which I need.
- I decree and declare that I am living under an open heaven that is open to angelic intervention.
- Therefore, I command the angels that take vengeance on the ungodly to fight battles on my behalf. My battles are not by power and might but by the Spirit of the Most High God.
- The weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.
- As I decree and declare the word and will of the Lord, angels are being released to minister the vengeance of the Lord.
- I call the captain of the hosts to go before me in battle with his sword drawn against all that would harm my family and me.
- Father, I thank you that you hear my prayers.
- I thank you for the angels that excel in strength, hear your responses to my prayers as you command them, and do your bidding.
- Blessed be your name, Lord.
- Your angels do your pleasure. I thank you for your angels that watch over me.
- I thank you for the angels you have commanded to protect me. Shut every lion’s mouth that has been set in my way to devour me.
- Lord, I thank you for the angels that are sent to answer my prayers, minister peace and encouragement, deliver warnings, reap the end-time harvest, and strengthen me.
- Lord I praise you for your angelic provisions in my life in the Name of Jesus.
- I activate my Angels to work and fight on my behalf in Jesus Name.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Prayer to Release Your Angels of the Harvest
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Prayer to Cultivate the Soil of Your Heart
Anchor Scripture: Psalms 24; Verse 1 – 10.
Make sure that you read through and meditate on the anchor scripture before going into the prayer fireworks.
Make sure that you read through and meditate on the anchor scripture before going into the prayer fireworks.
- 1. Every power locking me out of the fullness of this month, Die! In Jesus Name.
- Every gentile or personality, in charge of the riches, Favor me by Fire! In Jesus Name.
- DIVINE POWER that cannot be insulted, INVADE my foundation, and uproot the chains of slavery! In the Name of Jesus.
- Wicked spirits from the waters, assigned to drown my testimonies in a flood of misfortune, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? DIE!!! In the name of Jesus.
- POWER to ÀSCEND the Holy Hill of the Lord, fall upon me throughout this month. In the name of Jesus.
- POWER to PREVAIL at the altar of prayer throughout this month, fall upon me. In Jesus Name.
- HOLY SPIRIT, IGNITE my prayer altar with your fresh fire this month. In Jesus name.
- DRY BONES of my prayer-life RECEIVE Resurrection Power and come ALIVE this month! In Jesus name.
- O Lord, Purge my heart from vanity and keep my meditations pure throughout this month. In Jesus name.
- Every power assigned to soil my hands and contaminate my blessings, SCATTER unto desolation. In Jesus name.
- Every temptation programmed to drive me to sin and to stumble, LOSE your power NOW! In Jesus Name.
- O King of Glory, KILL my shame, and make this month the burial ground of my reproach. In Jesus Name.
- O God of Plenty, OVERTHROW my lack, and make this month the cemetery of my poverty. In Jesus Name.
- O God ARISE, and let your fullness swallow poverty in my life this month and for ever. In Jesus name.
- O Gates, Hear the Word of the Lord: “Be Ye LIFTED UP for my ENTRANCE!” In the name of Jesus.
- REFUSE to be stranded at the gates of triumphant victory. In Jesus name.
- FETTERS of FIRE! FALL from Heaven; BIND the strongman that is blocking my entry, at the gate of good success. In Jesus name.
- Thou GLORY of heaven, LOCATE my Destiny, and catapult me into unimaginable Blessings in this Year. In the name of Jesus.
- O God Arise, As a MAN OF WAR! FIGHT for me in the BATTLES today. In Jesus Name.
- O Lord of Hosts, Make me a CERTIFIED VICTOR in all the battles of against the adversary. In the name of Jesus.
- Let all the elements of earth (wind, weather, sun, moon, stars, day and night), be contrary to all my adversaries. In Jesus name.
- Let the ground of adversaries, OPEN UP WITH FIRE! And swallow every power that contends with me this month. In Jesus Name.
- WHERE Is the harvest for this Year? APPEAR! And catapult me into dumbfounding breakthroughs! In Jesus Name.
- POWER to LEAP over every trap of the fowler, fall upon me, and carry me to safety throughout this year. In Jesus Name.
- POWER to LEAP into joy unspeakable full of glory, OVERSHADOW me this month! In Jesus Name.
- Lion of Judah! Empower me to LEAP and POUNCE on that special miracle which you have prepared for me this month. In Jesus name.
- JESUS! As I meditate on the Word of God this month, let your glory leap into my life. In Jesus Name.
- Divine opportunities for unmatchable progress, APPEAR! And push me into glorious accomplishments this month. In Jesus name.”
Friday, November 6, 2015
- As GOD’S OFFICIAL legislator and law enforcement agent I come in the name of the resurrected Jesus, whose I am and whom I serve, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, things in earth, things under the earth, that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.”
- I effect and enforce God’s original plans and purposes over and against the plans and purposes of Satan.
- I decree and declare that in this battle no intrinsic no extrinsic weapon, be it emotional, financial, physical, social, psychological, spiritual, organizational, interpersonal, formed against me shall prosper. I place upon myself the armor of light and of the Lord.
- Truth to cover my loins. The breastplate of righteousness to cover my heart and chest cavity the gospel of peace to cover my feet, the shield of faith to defensively and offensively cover my body, the helmet of salvation to cover my head, the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, the Lord Jesus Christ a robe of righteousness, the glory of God is my reareward (Isaiah 58:8)
- I decree and declare that the weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God.
- I pull down strongholds, cast down vain imaginations and every high thing that lifts itself against the knowledge of Jesus Christ. My thoughts are now subject to the Lordship of Christ.
- I speak that God’s anointing destroys every yoke in my life, and that my soul, my spirit, my body now functions in order according to divine systems of protocol. I decree and declare that I am healed and Spirit-filled, sickness and diseases are far from me.
- I establish divine parameters, boundaries and borders, and legislate and establish the laws of the kingdom of heaven to govern all activities within.
- I overrule and disallow, I veto every diabolical sanction, subverting activity, injunction, directive, mandate, or order, which opposes the will of the Lord concerning my life, my ministry, my finances, my family Hallelujah.
- I disannul diabolical decisions and rulings concerning my ministry, and concerning my life, and the lives of family members, my friends, my associates.
- I take control over the airways, the galaxies, systems, realms, regions, domains, spheres, stratospheres, hemispheres, atmospheres.
- Anything that will affect me negatively, I bring it unto the obedience and the Lordship of Christ. And I decree and declare that those things are aligned.
- I dispossess master spirits and employ Michael, archangels, the angelic host to handle any satanic contentions, disputings, strivings, resistance concerning this injunction.
- I decree and declare successful divine and angelic undertakings, under girdings, reinforcements, and assistance. According to Your Word in Psalm 103:20, I summons angels that now excel in strength and to marshal and protect my personage and property, and possessions. Jehovah Gibbor, contend with those that contend with me, fight against those that fight against me. Take hold of the shield and buckler, stand up for my help. Draw out also the spear and javelin and close up the way of those who pursue and persecute me. Clothe yourself in your garments of war. Muster your devices, gather your weaponry and ammunition from your divine arsenal.
- Make bright your arrows, gather your shields, let vengeance be your ultimate goal as you overthrow the chariots, the horses, the riders. Let terror strike the hearts of my enemies, and cause their hearts to fail. (Psalm 18:7-19)
- “Lord, set a guard over my lips today and search my heart. Try me and know my thoughts. See if there is any evil way in me and lead me in the way everlasting" (Ps. 139:23–24). If there is anything in my life that displeases You, Father, dig up and remove those weeds in my heart, in Jesus’s name. Circumcise my heart, and cause my desires and my words to line up with Yours. In Jesus’s name, amen.
- For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind. —HOSEA 8:7, ESV And therefore, What occupies my mind determines what eventually fills my mouth. Father, make me more aware of the power of my words today. I declare that my season of frustration is over. As I guard my tongue and thoughts, my life is changing for the best. In the name of Jesus I declare that everything this season should bring to me must come forth. Every invisible barrier must be destroyed. I declare that I am a prophetic trailblazer. I am taking new territory spiritually, emotionally, relationally, and professionally. I decree and declare that You are opening new territories in my life for prosperity, wealth, and divine health today.
- Father rebuke and dismantle satanic alliances and confedarations, arrest them by the Spirit. Let every covert and clandestine effort and endeavor fail. Disappoint the devices that they have crafted so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise. Take them in their own crafty and devious ways.Let them meet with darkness in the daytime and grope in the noonday as in the night. Overrule and overthrow sabotage, subversions, and setbacks. Let every attack of retaliation fail. Hallelujah!
- Confirm the words of your servant in their minds and perform the counsel of your messengers. Send divine angelic, prophetic assaults and against diabolical intelligence.
- Release divine virusses to infade satanic databases and command that they be consumed and destroyed. Blot out all diabolic records so that the accuser of the brethren has nothing upon which he may substantiate his accusations and allegations with. Let all future, diabolic communications and networkings fail.
- Send a spirit of confusion among them. Let their tongues be divided so that when they communicate it will be incoherant and misunderstood. Arrest those that operate in the spirit of Jezebel or Belial. Let them not resist the anointing, usurp authority, or gain any ground in the natural or in the realm of the spirit.
- I prohibit satanic manifestations and speak that divine abortive measures and miscarriages occur in satanic wombs and incubators.
- Now Father, you have given us a great work to accomplish. We war for the releasing of finances and all resources that belong to us. Everything prepared for us before the foundation of the world, that pertain to our life, our ministry and our calling. We shall not and will not be denied. We shall not and will not accept substitutes. We call in the resources from the north, the south, the east, the west.
- I am strategically lined up with the ladder that touches the third heaven and sits on earth. The angels are descending and ascending according to the words that I speak. What I bind or loose on earth is already bound or loosed in heaven. Revelation, healing, deliverance, salvation, peace, joy, relationships, finances, and resources that have been demonically blocked are being loosed unto me now! What is being released unto me is transferring to every person that I associate myself with. I am contagiously blessed!
- As I command the morning and capture the day, time is being redeemed. I take authority over the fourth watch of the day. The spiritual airways and highways are being hijacked for Jesus. The atmosphere of the airways over me, my family, my church, my community, my city, my state, my nation, and the world is producing a new climate. This new climate is constructing a godly stronghold in times of trouble. My thinking will be conducive to the agenda of the kingdom of heaven.
- Every demonic agenda or evil thought pattern designed against the agenda of the kingdom of heaven is destroyed at the root of conception NOW, in Jesus name! I come into agreement with the saints as we have suffered violence, we take by force! No longer will I accept anything demonic that is dealt unto me in my days. I declare that the kingdom has come, and the will of God will be done on earth as it in heaven.
- As the sun rises today, let is shine favorably upon me and the purposes of God for my life.
- Daily destiny is my portion because I have no thought for tomorrow. I am riding on the wings of the morning into a new day of victory. God, You separated the night and the day to declare my days, years, and seasons. I am the light of the earth, and I have been separated from darkness. This light declares my destiny!
- Lord, You have given me dominion over the elements and all the work of His hands. You have placed them under my feet.
- Because I fear the name of the Lord, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings, and I shall tread down the wicked until they become ashes under my feet. I commit to walk in this dominion daily. I decree and declare a new day, a new season, and a fresh anointing. As the ordinances of the constellations have received orders from God on my behalf, they shall manifest in the earth realm. The ingredients of my destiny are programmed into my days, years, and seasons. I bind every force that would attempt to capture my destiny illegitimately.
- I plead the blood of Jesus over every principality, power, ruler of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places assigned against my purpose. I bind every destiny pirate, destiny thief, and destiny devourer in the name of Jesus! They are dethroned and dismantled and have no influence over my days. Every curse sent against my days is reversed and boomeranged back to the pits of hell. I displaced the Luciferian spirit.
- I bind every false light-bearer and counterfeit son of the morning. My prayers are disrupting dark plans and giving my enemies a non-prosperous day. I have victory over my enemies every morning. Because I obey the Lord and serve Him, my days will prosper! This is the day that Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in it! Amen.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Daily Prayer Points
(If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, try and pray in tongues for at least one minute in between the prayer points)
Father we also decree and declare that a prayer shield, the anointing and a bloodline, Hallelujah, forms a hedge of protection which hide us from familiar spirits and from all demonic personalities, making it difficult, if not impossible for them to track us in the realm of the spirit. There shall be no perforations and penetration sin the name of Jesus. The annointing seals access. The Holy Spirit stands on guard, Jesus Christ the captain of our Lord, Hallelujah. We work with Him, we work syncopated with Him. We are sychronise with the Holy Spirit at this time. We release, Hallelujah, our names into the atmosphere and decree and declare that prayer warriors, intercessors, prophetic watchmen are picking us up in the realm of the spirit. We speak that they will not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been completed. We decree and declare that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, divine counsel, supernatural might, knowledge, the utmost fear of Jehovah. And Father as I advance and as we advance and as we are divinely empowered and increase in skill and understanding, I decree and declare, Hallelujah, a fresh supply of the Spirit in the name of Jesus.
We obliterate and annihilate satanic impressions, illusions, projections, perceptions, suggestions, suspicions, deceptions that is set up as a decoy or an ambush to our soul and those assigned to pray with us, for us, on behalf of us, to intercede for us. Those that work with me, are assigned to work with us and are assigned to us and interact with us on a daily bases.
We disannul and disengage and disallow any futher impressions coming to their mind or their spirit in the name of Jesus.
Father, overthrow the plans of the troublemakers, scorners, scoffers, mockers, persecutors, character assassins. Expose satanic representatives, grant unto us divine strategies and tactics to identify, resist, overcome every plot and every plan established for our demise. Draw out your spear, stop them in their way.
Let them be confounded and put to shame. Let them fall by their own counsel. Let them be turned back and brought to confusion.
Let them be as chaff driven by the wind. Let the angel of the Lord persecute them. Let their way be through dark and slippery places with the angel of the Lord pursuing and afflicting them.
Let them be put to shame and dishonor those who seek and require our life. Let them be turned back and confounded who plan our hurt. Let destruction come to them suddenly. Let them fall to their own destruction. Let destruction come upon them unaware. Let them stumble and fall into the very destruction they have contrived for me. Let them be wounded and destroyed by the very weapons they have
devised for us. Let them be caught in the same net that they set for us. Let them fall in the very pit that they dug for us. Let them be hung by the very noose they constructed for us. Let them be burned by the very fire they have lit for us. Let them be consumed by the very beasts they have prepared for us. Strike them down in the very act of their mischief. Let their mischief be returned to them doublefold. Pluck them out of their dwelling place. Root them out of the land of the living. Let evil slate them and desolation be their lot. Make them like a wheel turning in confusion. Make them as the stubble before the wind. Make them as wood burned by fire.
Persecute them with your tempest. Cause fear and terror to grip their hearts. Let them be confounded and troubled forever.
Your name is glorified, Jehovah Gibbor.
Put a halt to all destructive, disturbing, distractive measures. For this reason was the Son of God made manifest, that He would destroy the works of the enemy. And I decree and declare that the works of the enemy is destroyed. I prevail against satanic inhibitions, prohibitions all limitations.
I decree and declare that all invisible and invincible walls are destroyed. I execute divine judgment against satanic/demonic activities, and I war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu. I disapprove, nullify, dismantle, cancel, and forcefully oppose any satanic operations, maneuvers, manipulations, subversions, strategies, tactics, plots, plans, ploys, which are designed to hinder, prevent, frustrate, foil, deny, delay God’s original plan and purpose from their quick, swift, and speedy manifestation, particularly in their correct time and season.
I decree and declare that we are moving syncopated to your correct timing and season. We are not out of timing, we are not out of our season. Father we prohibit the alteration and the changing of any time or laws concerning our life and ministry or the life of my family. We move synchronise, synchopated to the choreographic moves of God. We decree and declare that our times and seasons are in your hand Lord and they shall not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything. We function under the anointing of the sons of Issachar, and Father you give us, Hallelujah, the divine ability to accurately discern our times and seasons. Father we decree and declare that this day we operate according to Gods divine timetable and calendar. We decree and declare that your agenda is our agenda. Father we are not our own. I have been bought with a price. We therefore submit ourselves to You and You alone. We decree that, like Jesus, we come: in the volume of the book that is written of us(Psalm 40:7, Psalm 139:16)
I decree and declare that the eyes of my spirit function with 20/20 vision for correct understanding and interpretation of divine movements. We decree and declare that our ears are in tune with the correct frequency of the Spirit and we have clear transmission.
We employ the hosts of heaven to war against the hosts of darkness,
Take command and bring a halt, and place a moratorium on further demonic movements and satanic activities emanating from the:
underworld and its six regions, Hallelujah,
You the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, arise and quicken my destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer points
(If you are filled with the Holy Spirit, try and pray in tongues for at least one minute in between the prayer points)
- Lord, make me Your instrument to carry Your power to the nations, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- O God, let Your trumpet of Jubilee begin to blow in my favor and in the favor of my family, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- My Father, give me power to be an unlimited, unrepentant; unrestrained and unstoppable soul winner for You, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- O Lord, anoint me with fresh oil, and let me flourish like the palm tree and grow large like the cedar of Lebanon, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Holy Spirit, from now onwards, move my my spirit, soul, body and my total identity to respond to Abraham’s covenant of abundant blessings, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- My Father, anoint my feet to possess the land of the enemy, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- O God, arise and terminate every assignment of disgrace and dishonor from my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Lord, if any member of my family is about to backslide, arise and turn their hearts back to you, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- O God arise and overturn every setback in my life into a comeback of divine promotion and advancement, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Lord, anoint me to recover the years that the locust, cankerworm, caterpillar, and palmerworm have eaten out my life; I claim a seven-fold restoration, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father we also decree and declare that a prayer shield, the anointing and a bloodline, Hallelujah, forms a hedge of protection which hide us from familiar spirits and from all demonic personalities, making it difficult, if not impossible for them to track us in the realm of the spirit. There shall be no perforations and penetration sin the name of Jesus. The annointing seals access. The Holy Spirit stands on guard, Jesus Christ the captain of our Lord, Hallelujah. We work with Him, we work syncopated with Him. We are sychronise with the Holy Spirit at this time. We release, Hallelujah, our names into the atmosphere and decree and declare that prayer warriors, intercessors, prophetic watchmen are picking us up in the realm of the spirit. We speak that they will not cease or come down from their watchtowers until their assignments have been completed. We decree and declare that the Spirit of the Lord is upon us, the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, divine counsel, supernatural might, knowledge, the utmost fear of Jehovah. And Father as I advance and as we advance and as we are divinely empowered and increase in skill and understanding, I decree and declare, Hallelujah, a fresh supply of the Spirit in the name of Jesus.
We obliterate and annihilate satanic impressions, illusions, projections, perceptions, suggestions, suspicions, deceptions that is set up as a decoy or an ambush to our soul and those assigned to pray with us, for us, on behalf of us, to intercede for us. Those that work with me, are assigned to work with us and are assigned to us and interact with us on a daily bases.
We disannul and disengage and disallow any futher impressions coming to their mind or their spirit in the name of Jesus.
Father, overthrow the plans of the troublemakers, scorners, scoffers, mockers, persecutors, character assassins. Expose satanic representatives, grant unto us divine strategies and tactics to identify, resist, overcome every plot and every plan established for our demise. Draw out your spear, stop them in their way.
Let them be confounded and put to shame. Let them fall by their own counsel. Let them be turned back and brought to confusion.
Let them be as chaff driven by the wind. Let the angel of the Lord persecute them. Let their way be through dark and slippery places with the angel of the Lord pursuing and afflicting them.
Let them be put to shame and dishonor those who seek and require our life. Let them be turned back and confounded who plan our hurt. Let destruction come to them suddenly. Let them fall to their own destruction. Let destruction come upon them unaware. Let them stumble and fall into the very destruction they have contrived for me. Let them be wounded and destroyed by the very weapons they have
devised for us. Let them be caught in the same net that they set for us. Let them fall in the very pit that they dug for us. Let them be hung by the very noose they constructed for us. Let them be burned by the very fire they have lit for us. Let them be consumed by the very beasts they have prepared for us. Strike them down in the very act of their mischief. Let their mischief be returned to them doublefold. Pluck them out of their dwelling place. Root them out of the land of the living. Let evil slate them and desolation be their lot. Make them like a wheel turning in confusion. Make them as the stubble before the wind. Make them as wood burned by fire.
Persecute them with your tempest. Cause fear and terror to grip their hearts. Let them be confounded and troubled forever.
Your name is glorified, Jehovah Gibbor.
Put a halt to all destructive, disturbing, distractive measures. For this reason was the Son of God made manifest, that He would destroy the works of the enemy. And I decree and declare that the works of the enemy is destroyed. I prevail against satanic inhibitions, prohibitions all limitations.
I decree and declare that all invisible and invincible walls are destroyed. I execute divine judgment against satanic/demonic activities, and I war in the spirit of Elijah and Jehu. I disapprove, nullify, dismantle, cancel, and forcefully oppose any satanic operations, maneuvers, manipulations, subversions, strategies, tactics, plots, plans, ploys, which are designed to hinder, prevent, frustrate, foil, deny, delay God’s original plan and purpose from their quick, swift, and speedy manifestation, particularly in their correct time and season.
I decree and declare that we are moving syncopated to your correct timing and season. We are not out of timing, we are not out of our season. Father we prohibit the alteration and the changing of any time or laws concerning our life and ministry or the life of my family. We move synchronise, synchopated to the choreographic moves of God. We decree and declare that our times and seasons are in your hand Lord and they shall not be altered or adjusted by anyone or anything. We function under the anointing of the sons of Issachar, and Father you give us, Hallelujah, the divine ability to accurately discern our times and seasons. Father we decree and declare that this day we operate according to Gods divine timetable and calendar. We decree and declare that your agenda is our agenda. Father we are not our own. I have been bought with a price. We therefore submit ourselves to You and You alone. We decree that, like Jesus, we come: in the volume of the book that is written of us(Psalm 40:7, Psalm 139:16)
I decree and declare that the eyes of my spirit function with 20/20 vision for correct understanding and interpretation of divine movements. We decree and declare that our ears are in tune with the correct frequency of the Spirit and we have clear transmission.
We employ the hosts of heaven to war against the hosts of darkness,
Take command and bring a halt, and place a moratorium on further demonic movements and satanic activities emanating from the:
underworld and its six regions, Hallelujah,
You the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ, arise and quicken my destiny, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Spiritual Warfare Prayer points
- You the seeds of infirmity planted in my body, hear my voice, receive the fire of the Holy Ghost and burn to ashes, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- You the power of darkness on assignment against my destiny and those of my family members, bow down your knees to the authority of Jesus in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- By the Word of God that declares ‘No weapon formed against you shall prosper’ let every weapon of darkness fired against my life backfire by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- O you Divine craftsmen, arise, terrify and cut down every satanic horn that has scattered my family, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every arrow of physical demotion released against my life, come out with your poisons and return back to your sender, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- You the imprisoned potentials of my life, be loosed and locate my life by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- You the satanic architect of problems in my life, receive the arrow of fire and perish, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every household covenant assigned to limit my destiny, be nullified by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ.
- Every evil handwriting in the book of my life, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus Christ.
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