Thursday, October 22, 2015


Prayer to Break the Curse of Poverty
  1. Father, I come in the Name of Jesus to repent for the sins and transgressions of my ancestors. I repent for all disobedience of Your commands by turning away and listening to the enemy or to other people. Father, I receive the redemption from the curse by the Blood of Jesus and ask you to break off all curses of poverty upon my family line and upon me. I declare that the blood of Jesus has broken every curse.
  2. Lord, I repent for anyone in my family line who offered sacrifices that were not favorable and right. I repent for any withholding of the first fruits and the best portions; I repent for all wrong motives and attitudes of hearts. I repent for anger, resentment and bloodshed of my brother. Lord, please forgive any bloodshed and bring peace to the blood that cries out.
  3. Lord, please break all Canaanite curses against me, as today I declare, I am my brother’s keeper! Lord, please restore the ground to me and please restore Your promise of blessings and fruitfulness. Lord, please remove any marks on me and break the curse of wandering. Father, please allow my family to come into Your presence again as a chosen covenant people.
  4. I repent for all my ancestors who denied justice to the poor, for all who held on to ill will, and for all who withheld forgiveness to a brother. I repent for shutting my ears to the poor, for exploitation of the poor, and for crushing them in court. I repent for all who did not forgive, but held grudges and became bitter against those who unjustly exploited them or crushed them.
  5. Lord, please break all curses others have spoken against my ancestors or me because of the guilt of our sins and transgressions. Lord, please remove any curses that have put up walls of separation between You and me. Hear my prayers again and please open my eyes, ears, and heart.
  6. I repent for any generational dishonesty, even the smallest hidden, accepted, or self-justified dishonesty.
  7. I repent for any of my ancestors who would not forgive debts in the Lord’s timing and who ignored the poor. I repent for all hardheartedness, tightfistedness, and unforgiveness. Lord, please restore mercy and cheerful giving in my family line. Please bless me as You promised in Your Word.
  8. Lord, I repent for generational idolatry, for disobedience, and for not following Your commands. I repent for not serving You joyfully and gladly in my time of prosperity.
  9. Lord, please break all curses against us that send locusts and worms, Lord, please break all skies of bronze and ground of iron. Please release any captive sons or daughters and stop the destruction. Lord, please remove all iron yokes, all blindness, oppression, and spirits of robbery. Lord, please break the curses of hunger, nakedness, dire poverty, and slavery.
  10. Lord, I repent for any of my ancestors who were unfaithful, greedy, disobedient, thieves or liars. I repent for breaking the covenant and coveting or keeping the things of the pagans and not totally destroying them as commanded.
  11. Lord, please break any curses that have come on my family for the evil they did, especially the curse of destruction by fire.
  12. I repent for all ancestors who were evil and tried to control and frustrate the poor. Lord I repent for any in my family line who put up security or pledges for another. Lord, please forgive any unfulfilled debts. I break all ungodly covenants, oaths, and alliances. Lord, please remove all traps or snares from the words of my mouth. Please break all sluggish and slumbering spirits from me and restore wisdom and ambition.
  13. I repent for all my ancestors who unduly withheld from others and for all who trusted in riches rather than in God. I repent for all who ignored discipline and correction. I repent for all greed, bribes, and for idle talk and boasting. I repent for inaction, nonperformance, and not keeping my word.
  14. Lord, please break all curses of injustice and shunning and please break any walls between me and others and between me and You. Please restore honor to our family.
  15. Lord, I repent for myself and for all my ancestors for being liars, hasty, proud, arrogant, selfish and lovers of the world and its pleasures. I repent for our lack of diligence, oppression of the needy, exploitation, and favoritism. I repent for all rejection of God and any cursing or blasphemy of God.
  16. Lord, I repent for all my family’s sluggishness, laziness, neglect, and lack of judgment; I repent for anyone in my family who charged exorbitant interest. I repent for any and all family concealed sins. I repent for spiritual pride in those who would not repent.
  17. I repent for any ancestors who chased fantasies because they were stingy and greedy. I repent for all who did not fight injustice, were unfair, and closed their ears to the cries of the poor and needy.
  18. Lord, please break all poverty curses off of me and change my heart.
  19. Lord, I repent for myself and anyone in my family who followed deceptive words and relied on social or religious identity for salvation. I repent for injustice, for oppressing the aliens, widows and the fatherless. I repent for any idolatry, for all ungodly sacrifices and worship, all innocent bloodshed, and for stealing, adultery, perjury and murder for myself and my family line. I repent for all our backsliding, rebellion, disobedience, pride, and spiritual pride. Lord, please break all connections and control that the queen of heaven has on my family and please restore in me wholeheartedness. Please make my heart pure, noble, faithful, and sensitive to You.
  20. Lord, I repent for all generational idolatry and ask You to remove any spirit of prostitution in my heart. I repent for all corruption, guilt, sin, arrogance and unfaithfulness. Lord, I repent for all illegitimacy in my line.
  21. Lord, please set me free from the spiritual enemies of righteous finances: moths, rot, lions, sickness, and sores. Please restore Your covenant as promised.
  22. Lord, I repent for all my ancestors who were boastful and proud of their position, standing, and authority. I renounce all love of sin or iniquity. I repent for myself and for all in my family line who became comfortable, selfish hoarders and trusted in their wealth. I repent for all who sold their righteousness, for all who enslaved others, and for all who trampled the poor. I repent for all who were stingy and controlling of wealth.
  23. Lord, please remove any curse that keeps me from enjoying the fruit of my labor. Please break off from me any poverty curses that have been passed on through my generational line, from Adam to me. Lord, please break off from me all curses “that there will never be enough.” Lord, please restore to me a new purse without any holes. Please break off from me all curses of lack, shrinking, theft, loss, blight, mildew, and hail.
  24. Lord, I repent for myself and for all those in my family line for being controlling, deceptive, and for putting ungodly burdens on others. I repent for trying to please man rather than God and for accepting praise, honor, worship, or ungodly authority and titles from men. I renounce all religious spirits, legalistic spirits, self-exaltation and hypocrisy. 
  25. I repent for myself and my generational line for not entering the door to heaven and for shutting it on others. I repent for being a blind guide, and I ask You, Lord, to break all ungodly oaths, covenants, pledges, dedications, and alliances. I repent for all ungodly and insincere sacrifices or for any sacrifice on an unholy altar. I repent for being unjust, merciless, unfaithful, greedy, and self-indulgent. 
  26. I repent for harboring sin or wickedness. I repent for myself and my family line for rejecting, mocking, cursing, or killing the prophets and the messengers from God. I renounce any spiritual pride that rebels against repentance, and I apply the blood of Jesus to all the roots of iniquity. 
  27. I repent for all my ancestors who would not believe or declare that Jesus was Lord.
  28. Lord, please give me the mind of Christ in the matters of finance.
  29. I repent for myself and my ancestors who committed adultery with the queen of Babylon and enjoyed or benefited from her luxuries. Lord, please break all ungodly ties and connections with the queen of Babylon. I repent for myself and for those in my family line who did not come out of the queen of Babylon. Lord, please remove all consequences and plagues that were a result of any alliances with the queen of Babylon. Please remove all plagues of death, mourning, famine, and judgment fire.
  30. Lord, please guide me by Your Spirit and Your word in the godly use of wealth and teach me to be a faithful servant.

Prayer to Restore Brain
  1. Lord Jesus, I thank You that Your healing power, purchased through the cross of Calvary is available for me today.
  2. I declare that You created my brain for the purpose of bringing glory to Your name. I do not want my brain to be conformed to the patterns of this world, instead I ask for Your transforming power to enter all areas of my brain so that You might give me the ability to process academic and spiritual wisdom from Your Holy Spirit. 
  3. I declare that I believe that You created my innermost being and that my brain is fearfully and wonderfully made by Your hand. 
  4. Lord, I repent of all the times I have not regarded my brain and my learning abilities as a gift from You. Lord, please forgive me for the negative thoughts and words that I have spoken against my own brain and learning abilities. 
  5. I repent of trying to solve my learning problems through my own efforts rather than turning to You first to receive Your love, grace, and healing touch. 
  6. I choose to forgive parents, teachers and friends who have not believed in my mental abilities or who have made learning more difficult for me. In the name of Jesus, I now free them from unreasonable expectations I may have placed upon them.
  7. Lord, please remove all generational sin from my family line that may have played a part in the present learning struggles. As a member of my family line I repent for all those who, although they knew You, did not use their brains to glorify You, but engaged in futile and foolish thinking. 
  8. Lord, I repent for those in my family line who used their brains to misuse the spiritual gifts that You had provided for them. 
  9. In the name of Jesus, I command the neurons in my brain to function properly. I command in Jesus name that the damaged dendrites in my brain be healed. All axons and synapses will respond to the healing touch of Jesus Christ and function the way they were created to work.
  10. In Jesus name, I command my right and left-brain to function normally and in complete balance, and I command that all my academic and creative abilities to flow like a river. 
  11. In Jesus name, I command that the electrical and chemical frequencies in every cell of my brain to come into harmony and balance. 
  12. In Jesus name, I command my Werenicke’s area (speech) and Broca’s area (understanding of language) to function normally. 
  13. In the name of Jesus I declare that all lack of impulse control and lack of attention to task be healed. 
  14. In the name of Jesus, I declare that I have a new academic and occupational future. I break, shatter, dissolve, and destroy the lie that says my brain will always remain the same. 
  15. In the name of Jesus, I declare that I will not have a spirit of fear about learning new things. I accept Your gift of the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline into my brain. 
  16. Lord, please give me the Spirit of wisdom and revelation that I might succeed in school and that I might know you better.


    1. I thank You Lord, that because of Your grace and mercy, You are the giver of good gifts.
    2. I thank You Lord that Your Holy Spirit dispels chaos and fear everywhere He goes.
    3. I ask You Lord, to forgive me for the times in my life that I have purposefully chosen chaos and anxiety rather than asking You to deal with my worries and fears.
    4. I repent for the times in my life when I have not accepted Your rest, but instead have invited stress, disorganization and confusion.
    5. Forgive me, Lord, for anyone I may have hurt by my words and behaviors when I was under stress and swimming in chaos. I ask You to bless those I may have hurt and place them under the shadow of Your wings.
    6. As a member of my family line I repent for all those who used drugs, alcohol or medications to force rest upon their bodies and spirits rather than turning to You.
    7. As a member of my family line I repent for all those who although they knew You, chose pride and selfish ambition over surrender to Your Sabbath rest.
    8. In the name of Jesus I break, shatter, cut-off, dissolve and destroy all ungodly frequency vibrations, lay lines, tubes and mechanisms that have prevented my brain from receiving your rest. Father please tune my brain to Your heartbeat.
    9. Father, in Jesus name please seal all ungodly dimensions and open up the godly dimensions that lead to You and the revelation of Your purposes in my life.
    10. I declare that You give only light burdens. I welcome Your gentle touch upon my life.
    11. In the name of Jesus, I break, shatter, cut-off, dissolve and destroy the behaviors in my life that have prevented me from observing Your Sabbath rest and remembering Your healing touch.
    12. Father, in the name of Jesus, please come into my brain and transform any thoughts that are not pleasing to You. Seal all cracks in my brain that have allowed chaos and fear to enter.
    13. I thank You Lord, and bless Your name because you carry my problems and teach me to depend on You. Teach me about the peace and joy of Your Sabbath rest.
    14. In the name of Jesus I accept quietness into my heart.
    15. Thank You Lord that You are the God of rest!

  1. Thank You, Lord, for You are the only One that answers prayers.
  2. Any power within and around me and my family, that is hindering the manifestation of the power of You, God, in our lives, DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  3. All ye my adversaries and those against my family members, be clothed NOW with shame and disgrace, in the Name of Jesus.
  4. Every ancestral bondage affecting my and my family's life negatively, DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  5. Every evil wind assigned to be blowing away my breakthroughs and the breakthroughs of my family, DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  6. Every evil power assigned to be blowing away my breakthroughs and the breakthroughs of my family, DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  7. Every evil power assigned to be blowing away my breakthroughs and the breakthroughs of my family, be crushed to pieces, in the Name of Jesus.
  8. Every ancient iron gate that does not want to let me and my family members go, BE DISMANTLED, in the Name of Jesus.
  9. Every evil chain, limiting my glory and the glory of my family members, BREAK BY FIRE, in the Name of Jesus.  
  10. Every evil wind blowing away my blessings and the blessings of my family members, BE STILL AND THEN DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  11. Every power assigned to cut short my blessings and the blessings of my family members, DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  12. Every satanic taskmaster fashioned against my success and my family members successes, DIE, in the Name of Jesus.
  13. I reject all fragmented blessings for me and my family, in the Name of Jesus.
  14. You destroyer of blessings for me and my family, loose your hold upon our lives NOW, in the Name of Jesus.
  15. I bind, rebuke, and cast out every stubborn demon that would attempt to stubbornly hold on to my life and my family members' lives, in the name of Jesus. 
  16. I come against every stubborn stronghold, and command it to yield to the power of God and the name of Jesus (2 Sam.5:7). 
  17. I put pressure on every stubborn demon and stronghold and break it’s grip in my life and the life of my family, in the name of Jesus. 
  18. I uproot every stubborn root from my life and family, in the name of Jesus (Matt.15:13). 
  19. I command every stubborn, iron-like yoke to shatter and break in the name ofJesus (Judg.1:19).
  20. I break the power of every proud, stubborn and arrogant demon that exalt itself against Christ, and command it to be abased in the name of Jesus. I break the power of all iniquity in my family that would stubbornly attempt to control my life and my family members' life in the name of Jesus. 
  21. I come against all obstinate demons, and break their influence in my life and my family's life, in the name of Jesus. 
  22. I rebuke all stubborn, habitual patterns of failure and frustration in my life and my family's life, in the name of Jesus. 
  23. I rebuke all stubborn Pharaohs that would attempt to hold God’s people and I command you to let God’s people (and my family members) GO! in the name of Jesus (Exod.8:32). 
  24. I bind and rebuke all stubborn enemies, who stubbornly oppose me, my family members, and our progress in the name of Jesus. 
  25. I rebuke all stubborn demons that would attempt to resist the power of God and the authority I have through Jesus Christ, and I render you powerless to resist in the name of Jesus. 
  26. I come against every persistent pattern that limits me, my family members, my church members, and my prayer partners, and I render all evil forces powerless against us in the name of Jesus. There is nothing impossible through faith, and I release my faith against every stubborn and obstinate demon, and I resist you steadfastly in the name of Jesus (Matt.19:26). 
  27. I weaken, break down, and pressure every stubborn demon and stronghold, you are getting weaker and weaker, and we are getting stronger and stronger. I exercise long war against you, until you are completely defeated and destroyed from my life and my family's life in the name of Jesus (2 Sam.3:1).
  28. I lay siege against every stubborn stronghold through prayer and fasting, until your walls come down in the name of Jesus (Deut.20:19). 
  29. I use the battering ram of prayer and fasting to demolish all the gates of every stubborn stronghold in the name of Jesus. Let every Jericho wall against my breakthrough and my family members' breakthroughs, FALL through my praise, as I lift my voice as a trumpet against you in the name of Jesus (Joshua 6:1, 20). 
  30. Let every demonic stump be removed from my life and my family members lives, in the name of Jesus. 
  31. I break the will of every stubborn spirit that would attempt to remain in my life and my family members' lives, in the name of Jesus. You have no will to remain, your will is broken, and you must submit to the name of Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost. 
  32. I come against all stubborn demons and strongholds in my family that have refused to leave, and I assault every demonic fortress that has been built for generations in the name of Jesus. 
  33. I rebuke every stubborn mule, and bull of Bashan from my life and my family's life, in the name of Jesus. I break your will against me and my family in the name of Jesus. You are defeated and must bow to the name above all names (Psa.22:12).
  34. The anointing is increasing in my life through prayer and fasting, and every stubborn yoke against me and my family is being destroyed NOW! (Isa.10:27)
Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers for myself and my family through Holy Ghost fire!!!

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